© Pauline Dupin, Sur certaines parcelles de la Z.A.C Eurocentre, des entreprises ont fait appel à un service d’entretien écologique des espaces verts par le pâturage d’animaux herbivores. C’est l’entreprise Tondobele qui intervient sur la zone, 10 avril 2024, Eurocentre, Castelnau d’Estrétefonds.



Since the 1990s, Eurocentre, a commercial activity zone located at the convergence of several European transport routes to the north of Toulouse, has expanded considerably, and at the same time transformed the landscape surrounding the village of Castelnau d’Estrétefonds. Every day, the hands of the workers renew this hybrid ecosystem, where eco-pastures, small and large businesses intersect. The photographic series resulting from this residency probes the atmosphere of this area and the people who pass through it. As I came and went, day and night, I could see the silences and rustles of the visible and invisible networks that weave their way through the area.

Born in 1995 in the south of France, Pauline Dupin trained at the Institut Supérieur des Arts de Toulouse (ISDAT) from 2014 to 2017, and then joined ETPA – a photography school – where she graduated with a special distinction in September 2020.

An adept of portraiture, her photographic approach tends to give visibility to personal trajectories, based on documentary writing. She focuses on intimate spaces – often those of women – and territories that express, in a fragile way, the slices of life of the people she meets and photographs. Based in Tunisia between 2022 and 2024, her work focuses particularly on sub-Saharan migrants. Notions of memory, filiations and gender are all elements that make up her work.

Since 2020, her series have been regularly shown at festivals such as Les Nuits photographiques de Pierrevert, the Manifesto Festival in Toulouse, Les Promenades Photographiques de Vendôme, and the Lumière d’Encre gallery in Céret. In 2021, she will be working alongside five other photographers on the documentary commission ‘D’OC’, which aims to sketch the geography of the Occitanie region. This work is the subject of a book, co-edited by Lamaindonne, published to coincide with the exhibition at the Centre photographique documentaire – ImageSingulières in Sète. More recently, her work on access to sexual and reproductive health in Tunisia was the subject of an exhibition in partnership with Médecins du Monde and the French Institute in Tunisia.

EXPOSITION : Croisements
du 28 septembre au 30 octobre 2024.

VERNISSAGE : le vendredi 27 septembre à 18h en présence de la photographe.

Pour toutes informations concernant l’exposition et les visites commentées, se renseigner auprès de la Médiathèque Rémy Peyranne à Castelnau d’Estrétefonds.

Horaires d’ouverture :
mardi et vendredi de 15h à 18h
mercredi et samedi de 10h à 18h

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